Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD

What is COPD?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the name for a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties when the lungs become inflamed, damaged and narrowed.

These include:

Emphysema – damage to the air sacs in the lungs.

Chronic bronchitis – long term inflammation of the airways.

How is it caused?

Smoking is known to be the main cause of COPD, however long term exposure to harmful dust and fumes is also a known cause. You are considered to be more at risk if you work within certain industries. A few are listed below:

  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Flour and grain milling
  • Foundry workers
  • Petroleum workers welders
  • Pottery and ceramic workers

So what are harmful dusts and fumes?

Cadmium dust and fumes – associated with silver soldering and the manufacturing of batteries.

Grain and flour dust – found in grain/flour mills and the manufacture of animal feeds.

Mineral dust – Mining industries.

Organic dusts – Agriculture and timber workers.

Silica dust – Construction, ceramics, cement/brick manufacture.

Welding fumes – engineering, foundries.


An estimated 1.2 million people are living with diagnosed COPD.

An estimated 15% of cases are attributable to exposure at work.

Controlling exposure in the workplace checklist

  • COSHH risk assessments.
  • Air monitoring undertaken by a competent person.
  • Awareness training for staff.
  • Health surveillance for staff.
  • Local exhaust ventilation (LEV).
  • Personal protective equipment.
  • Respiratory protective equipment.

 For further information click on the below links to the HSE website:

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us if you need support with COSHH risk assessments, air monitoring or face fit testing.

Hazardous Substances – Are You Putting Your Staff At Risk?

Hazardous Substances – Are You Putting Your Staff At Risk?

When it comes to safely handling hazardous substances, risk assessments are key.  Did you know they are a legal requirement?

It is surprising how many materials or substances used or created at work could damage your health.  They could be dusts, gases, liquids, gels or powders that you come into contact with.

Harmful substances can be present in anything from paints and cleaning products to flour dust, welding fume and biological agents.

What Are The Hazards?

Some substances can cause asthma or other diseases, including cancer. Many can damage the skin and some can cause serious long-term damage to the lungs.

The effect can be immediate, such as dizziness or stinging eyes, or can take many years to develop, such as lung disease.  Many of the long-term or chronic effects are not reversible.

What Do I Have To Do As An Employer?

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) requires you to adequately control exposure to materials that cause ill health by:

  • identifying which harmful substances may be present in the workplace
  • deciding how workers might be exposed to them and be harmed
  • looking at what measures you have in place to prevent this harm and deciding whether you are doing enough
  • providing information, instruction and training
  • in appropriate cases, providing health surveillance.

The above actions can be systematically worked through by completing a COSHH Risk Assessment.

If you would like any help with ensuring your workforce are not at risk and you comply with the COSHH Regulations, get in touch.

Salopian Health & Safety Limited
T: 01630 657084